Amy Suto

Hello! πŸ‘‹ I’m Amy Suto, a published author and freelance memoir ghostwriter. Subscribe to my newsletter & writing job board here!

Why Great Writing is Good for Business

Why Great Writing is Good for Business

Great writing grows businesses and changes careers. That’s why some of the most successful people invest heavily in blogs, books, email newsletters, and social media feeds. They don’t underestimate how great writing can transform their life and careers and open doors they never knew existed.

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Working Remotely in Peshastin & Leavenworth, Washington

Working Remotely in Peshastin & Leavenworth, Washington

Our remote work quarantine roadtrip 2021 continued as we moved from Galena, IL to Peshastin, WA where we spent another full month β€” and what an insanely beautiful month it was. Here’s some of our favorite places to eat, hang out, and work!

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3 Tips for Working Remotely as a Freelancer On a Budget

3 Tips for Working Remotely as a Freelancer On a Budget

Working remotely has been a huge "secret" to my success, I suppose: I'm happier than I'd ever be if I was stuck in a cubicle with mandated lunch breaks, and being able to experience some lovely places in the US has helped to inspire me in everything I do.

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Your Bio Sucks: How to Write a Better Bio for Your Website, LinkedIn, Resume, or Whatever

Your Bio Sucks: How to Write a Better Bio for Your Website, LinkedIn, Resume, or Whatever

Okay, let me level with you in a way nobody in your life is doing right now: Your short bio/about me blurb? Y'know, that one paragraph or more you use to describe yourself on social media, dating profiles, websites, LinkedIn, whatever? It sucks. But you don't suck. You just suck at writing about yourself. It's okay, I'm here to help you.

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How to Write a Witty Blog Post with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) That People Actually Want to Read

How to Write a Witty Blog Post with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) That People Actually Want to Read

I was about twelve years old when my techie computer programming parents turned to me and said, "Amy, we just got you your domain name. It's time to start blogging so you can rank on Google someday." Boy was I lucky to be raised by total nerds.

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How Much Does Hiring a Memoir Ghostwriter Cost?

How Much Does Hiring a Memoir Ghostwriter Cost?

Since COVID started, I've gotten an incredible amount of inquiries for my services as a memoir ghostwriter. I think that's because, in part, we've all been faced with our own mortality in the face of a massive crisis. When we die, what gets left behind? Who will tell our stories? That's where hiring a ghostwriter for your memoir comes in.

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Quarantine Nomads: How Freelancers Can Live and Work Remotely and Safely During COVID-19

Quarantine Nomads: How Freelancers Can Live and Work Remotely and Safely During COVID-19

I spent most of this year quarantined in Los Angeles, sitting at the dinner table with my cat and Zooming with friends over cocktails and societal outrage for five whole months. I've taken COVID pretty seriously, seeing friends only for the occasional masked hike or social distanced hang.

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Get Help Becoming a Freelance Writer + Writing Your Novel, Screenplay, or Whatever: Consultations + Writing Coaching Sessions Open!

Get Help Becoming a Freelance Writer + Writing Your Novel, Screenplay, or Whatever: Consultations + Writing Coaching Sessions Open!

In the past decade or so since I started this blog, I've had the pleasure of chatting with so many of you wonderful people about all things writing/creativity/the best coffeeshops in LA.

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My Freelance Writing Workflow: Billing, Invoicing, Contracts and More (How to Manage Your Freelance Writing Business)

My Freelance Writing Workflow: Billing, Invoicing, Contracts and More (How to Manage Your Freelance Writing Business)

Like most freelance writers and people on the planet earth, I don't really enjoy things like contracts, billing, invoicing, and all that jazz. If it was up to me, I'd spend my days frolicking through the forest writing poetry on tree bark and learning how to whittle tiny figurines of pandas.

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How to Ghostwrite a Memoir (Ghostwriting 101)

How to Ghostwrite a Memoir (Ghostwriting 101)

Anyways, it's October and I haven't blogged since I got back from Berlin. It's also sPoOkY sEaSoN which means I have to go to Halloween parties thrown by actors who somehow have ENDLESS costume/wig/special effects makeup to the point where 1 actor friend could outfit all the dayplayers on an episode of THE WALKING DEAD and STILL have leftover digs for the cast of FEAR THE WALKING DEAD.

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