Amy Suto
Hello! π Iβm Amy Suto, a published author and freelance memoir ghostwriter. Subscribe to my newsletter & writing job board here!

Essay: Things I Want You to Remember
In this time of both quiet and noise, there's some things I'd like to remind you of. I want you to remember that while you can't pluck the stars from the sky, you can build the infrastructure to reach them.

Pandemic Diaries: How Writers Can 'Create Dangerously' in Times of Turmoil
Things are tough right now: how do we make the best of a crisis while taking care of ourselves and others? Part of the way I'm staying sane throughout this pandemic is by connecting frequently with friends and family over the phone and via FaceTime, reading good books, going on walks, and trying to focus on work even in a time of crisis.

A Writers' Life in 2018: Novel Writing, Freelancing, First Episode of Television
It's December! You know what that means: a lengthy reflection on the year that's passed, with all the ups and downs and status on my impending carpal tunnel!

Day in the Life of a Freelance Writer
Hello friends! I'm back from doing some travel (San Fran for work, Tahoe for play) and also just moved into a new apartment with my best friend who also happens to cook the best Italian food you've ever tasted.

Writers' Life: How Your Examined Life Informs The Stories You Tell
Just like you are what you eat, you write what you live. While I believe that write what you know is a narrow way to approach the vast expanse of stories you could be telling, I do believe that our own experiences create a prism through which we see the world and write about it.

Writing 100 Pages and Second Seasons, #Scriptchat, & Passing the FBI Fitness Test
It's been a landmark summer filled with unexpected writing opportunities, a rollercoaster post-production process for CON, and lots of having to explain why my walls are covered in newspaper clippings, red string, and far too many color-coded notecards.
![INTJ: One of The Rarest, Loneliest Personality Types [Introverts and Writing]](
INTJ: One of The Rarest, Loneliest Personality Types [Introverts and Writing]
I hadn't put much stock in personality types up until now, but when I started reading more about INTJs, I began to realize that the kind of isolation I sometimes felt (and felt unable to express) even when surrounded by people I cared about had roots in my personality type.

Antidote 15: Web Festivals, TV Interviews, & More
The past seven days have been a whirlwind of press and exciting events to celebrate Antidote 15's season two and all the amazing people who are the lifeblood of the show. On Friday, Antidote 15 screened in the Charlie Chaplin theater at Raleigh Studios, and I was able to talk on a panel about the inspiration for the show, and why ex-boyfriends, deadlines, and drinking things you're not supposed to be are common college struggles.

Antidote 15 is Going to the Hollyweb Web Festival!
Antidote 15 started in January 2014 as a fun experiment to see whether or not I could do something waaaay outside my comfort zone, which was to independently produce a web series I had written. Up until that point, I had mostly just been studying the craft of screenwriting, with a small number of short films done for classes and for fun.

Adventures in 24 Hour Filmmaking
Every year, USC hosts a 24 hour film contest called the Ed Wood Film Festival. It sets out to prove that students can make a better film in 24 hours than Ed Wood could in his career. Quality aside, 24 hour filmmaking competitions are a great chance to test run ideas, experiment with special effects, and learn how much coffee it takes to pull a productive all-nighter. (Answer: four cups MINIMUM.)

The 5 Basics of Creativity for Writers
Here are the five things writers should know about creativity.

Writers and Schizophrenia: What New Studies Reveal About the Writer's Psyche
So today's blog post is just another reminder of how us creative types are... um... different. As in, we might be predisposed to getting a mild form of schizophrenia.